
Farmer with laptop and cattle โ€“ Active Tag software
main i field

Your instinct, 

our intel

Combining your skills and experience with our trusted products and smart technology, we provide a total solution for modern livestock management. 
Our solutions work with each other, but most importantly, they work with you to make a measurable difference to your results.

Your total livestock

management solution

Smarter insights
Identify livestock
Measure performance
Review performance
Treat livestock
Contain livestock
Manage pasture
Monitor pasture
Farmer holding mobile farm with software app

Smarter insights

Our blend of innovative smart technology and reliable hardware ensures better decision-making and on-farm profitability. Increase efficiency with another set of eyes on your operations.

Identify Livestock

Identify livestock

Identifying and tracking individual animals helps you hit your performance targets on time. We provide visual tags, electronic identification (EID) tags and innovative applicators, giving you the tools you need for the life of the animal.

Measure Performance

Measure performance

Accurate measurement helps you make critical decisions with certainty. Our range includes weigh scales, EID readers, milk meters, pasture measurement tools and more.

Farmers looking at Datamars app

Review performance

With all your data in one place, you can review performance and make smarter decisions. Our cloud-based data platform makes it easy to access information when you need it.

industry supported

Treat livestock

Healthier animals mean healthier profits. We provide accurate and reliable animal health delivery tools including injectors, oral drenchers and topical applicators.

livestock grazing

Contain livestock

Smarter fencing keeps livestock in and predators out, as well as aiding crop and pasture rotation. Our electric fencing systems help you get the most out of your grazing.

Livestock farmer with smart fencing

Manage pasture

With a fully integrated approach to pasture management, you can rotate crops and animals throughout the year for greater grazing productivity.

livestock measuring pasture

Monitor pasture

Our pasture management tools allow you to monitor pasture growth, accurately calculate pasture and dry matter and create effective feed budgets.

Our ecosystem

Datamars Livestock offers a complete solution to livestock management. Our integrated range of leading product brands are tried, tested and trusted by producers around the world.